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'22 TPEFW AW22 - 新生代品牌秀 New Breed Show

由新生代品牌秀 New Breed Show :by.JarPingLiao / Xinyi Yu / HORSE LAI / WEI.TZU-YUAN
Opening #TPEFW day 6 with New Breed Show for the AW22, the explosion of talent !

by. Jar Ping Liao

JPL 來自基隆,品牌源於大學時期(2017)的實驗性計畫,全名 by. Jar Ping Liao。 品牌風格為極簡的中性概念性時裝,以實驗性的概念製作實穿的造型。

JPL is a menswear brand based in Keelung, Taiwan. Its origin is an experimental project called“by Jar Ping Liao”, when the founder was in college back in 2017. The spirit of the brand is presenting clothing with a simplest neutral concept, and a practical total look which is delivered by an experimental concept.

AW22 Collection:金牛犢

AW22 Collection:The Golden Calf
The story of “The Golden Calf” in The Bible depicts the public betray god, and choose to worship a manmade idol-the statue of a golden calf. It is a reflection of people nowadays are superstitious and blindly follow idols, religions, authorities, and information.
Xinyi Yu
▶︎ @Xinyi Yu

臺灣設計師余信誼於 2020 年創立同名品牌,具有宏觀視野的想法並認為設計是不斷嘗試與創新的過程,結合獨特設計印花,製作新奇又兼顧實穿性的作品,打造屬於自己的風格,賦予穿著者魅力與力量,勇敢表達自己的態度。

Taiwanese designer Xinyi Yu founded her fashion brand “Xinyi Yu” in 2020. Xinyi Yu has a broad perspective and believes that design is a process of continuous trials and innovations. She combines extraordinary pattern designs with the practicality of clothing to create her own unique style. She gives the person wearing her clothes charisma and strength, to be courageous expressing himself.

AW22 Collection:韌形

Shape of tenacity is inspired by the Antelope Canyon in Arizona (USA). Although the stones in Antelope Canyon look smooth and soft but they are actually quite solid and hard. The texture and beautiful streaks on the rocks are there because of the amounts of floods and significant wind erosions they have gone through, they are a great metaphor of the tenderness and strength which are able to find in women nowadays.

HORSE LAI 設計風格以中性、層次穿搭為核心,打破性別的著裝風格,俐落的剪裁及簡單的線條上又不失個性,品牌提倡自由混搭、可拆卸式之設計,設計高質量日常實穿之單品,讓人人都能是自己的造型師。

The core of HORSE LAI's design is neutral and layered wears, and it aims to break the stereotype of binary gender clothing with neat cuttings and simple lines. The brand is an advocate of free mix and match, and detachable designs. It presents items with high quality and practicality for daily wear, and encourages everyone to be a costume designer for himself/herself.

AW22 Collection:新紀元
HORSE LAI 在本次主題與疫情時事結合,以自身感官為發想;疫情時代人們徬徨、失落、崩解,但人們也在這恐懼中努力地找尋、 適應與改變。疫情終將過去,繼續的面對挑戰與找尋自我,告別疫情低迷籠罩的氛圍。

AW22 Collection:THE NEW ERA
This theme of THE NEW ERA combines with current issue of the pandemic, and was inspired by self senses. In the era of pandemic, people are apprehensive, lost, and devastated, but people are also trying to find, adapt and change under this feeling of fear. Global pandemic will end eventually, we have to persistently face challenges and find ourselves in order to move on after the depression owing to the pandemic.


WEI.TZU-YUAN is a brand and a studio as well. It experiments with different materials and structures of patterns. It raises a question of clothing from a different perspective. The design scope includes commercials, music videos, ceremonies, stage plays, makeup and hairstyle shows, dresses, and uniforms. In addition, the brand involves in the development, production and lease of hats, bags, and accessories.

AW22 Collection:殘片之映
存放臺式記憶接續多元文化與暫續思維, 油然而生映像過往映畫未來,歸途也是一種起程。

AW22 Collection:Reflections of Remaining Fragments
All the Taiwanese memories link to multiple cultures and contemporary thoughts. All the profound images of the past project visions of the future. From this perspective, a return journey can be a departure.
'22 TPEFW AW22 - 新生代品牌秀 New Breed Show


'22 TPEFW AW22 - 新生代品牌秀 New Breed Show
